Friday, November 21, 2014

Quiz Prep

Hey Everyone!

Don't forget, we have a quiz on Monday! Below are what you should study (along with associated reading if you missed the lecture).

Constructing Identity Notes (reading pages 146-154)

Identity in Places Notes (reading pages 155-157)

The quiz will be short, consisting only of multiple choice, a short matching section, and just a couple short explanation (two sentences).

Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Humans of New York Homework Assignment

For this assignment you will have to visit one of my favorite webpages "Humans of New York." What the photographer, Brandon, is doing is quite impressive. He heads out into the city and listens to the stories of normal people he crosses paths with. He takes their photograph, then shares small snippets of their conversation on his website. It makes a large city seem smaller, and gives you a glimpse into the lives of every day New Yorkers. Through each conversation, you find out a little bit about the identity of the person photographed.

For this assignment, it is your job to discuss those identities. You need to sift through the site and find three pictures and their accompanying story. Take a snipped shot of both the picture and the story, put it in your OneNote folder (Unit 5: Homework), and then write a short paragraph (minimum 5 sentences) about what that person's statement or photo (or both) says about their identity. What can you derive about this person from either the short conversation Brandon and this random New Yorker had or maybe even the photograph? What are their defining identity traits? Did they infer this? Did they directly say it? Or does the situation make you believe that about them? All or none of these questions could be addressed in your one paragraph response. Once you have done this for all three photos, you are done.

For 7th Hour this is due on Wednesday, for all other classes it is due on Thursday.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Study Guide

Hi Guys,

Here is the Unit 4 Quest study guide. Don't forget, the quest is on this coming Monday! The projects are also due on Monday. We will present them on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.

Unit 4 Quest Study Guide

Monday, November 3, 2014

Upcoming Quest

Hey guys,

Just an FYI, your group projects will be due on Monday. The same day you will be taking a QUEST over this unit. It will be just like the quest in the past, and will be a quiz/test hybrid. The study guide for it will be up tomorrow.

Project presentations will be the day after the quest, but all materials will be due on Monday. We will go over this in class tomorrow some more. In the mean time, the class calendar for this week has been posted under the class calendar tab.